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Ordered the finasteride and the minoxidil online, they should arrive in a few weeks. Tonight, I'll be reviewing my thoughts on my trading strategy. Starting at 12:00am, that I should keep. Selling at extreme, I should modify. I should hold off on doing if the graph is showing strong momentum, for example, if the EMA hasn't been contested, strong candles, etc. If the price up until 12:00pm has been intersecting the EMA, then I would be confident in selling the extremes. If the price up until 12:00pm has been staying away from the EMA, then I would be cautious in selling the extremes, and steer towards selling directionally. Buying back the short options, I should keep. Collecting $200, max loss $300. 2nd attempt, sell $400, max loss $700. Total risk, $700, total premium, $200 or $100.

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